When  can I use the Bougie Gems?Contraception: Can be used with any contraception,but we ask women  to not  to use the gems if  IUD has been inserted within the last month.

Medication:Our products are holistic and organic,they are safe with medications.

Menstruation: Wait 3 days afterwards so hormone levels normalizes.

Can you Have intercourse with Bougie Gems? No.

How often should I detox? We suggest detoxing every 2-3 weeks.

I have the Bougie Gems and Steaming Herbs,which one should I use first? The choice is yours.If you decide to use the Bougie Gems wait 5-7 days before doing a steaming session.If you choose to do Steaming session wait 3-5 days before using the Bougie Gems.

Which is more effective, Bougie Gems or Steaming Herbs? If you're looking to do a full detox/cleanse we suggest using the Bougie Gems

How often should I do a yoni steam and how long should I steam? Bougie steaming herbs -2x per month for 20-35 miniutes.

If I have painful cramping on my cycle,when should I steam? Steam a week before your cycle 1-2x

Can using the Bougie Gems and steam affect my pH balance?There is a possiblity that using th Bougie Gems could offset your pH Balance.This could result in a yeast infection for some women.We suggest using our Bougie Pops as an all natural remedy

Can detoxing cause a yeast infection ? Yes, for some women we suggest using Tierra's Treasure Yoni Wash and Bougie Pops.

Can I use the products while on my menstrual? No

What happens if I come on my menstrual while detoxing? Remove the detox gem.once your cycle has ended,wait 3-4 days to resume your detox,please wait 5-7 days for purging.